Súkromie a údaje

Súbory cookie používame na zobrazovanie prispôsobených reklám a prostredia a na analýzu návštevnosti našej lokality. Pravidlá používania súborov cookie

Pomôžte svojej firme rásť cez Pinterest

Pinterest je miesto, kde ľudia objavujú nové nápady, plánujú a nakupujú. Prostredníctvom reklám na Pintereste môžete svoje publikum osloviť v každej fáze spotrebiteľskej cesty. Zaregistrujte si bezplatný firemný účet, aby ste získali prístup k reklamám a ďalším marketingovým nástrojom.

Hlavným dôvodom, prečo ľudia používajú Pinterest, je hľadanie nových produktov a značiek1

Miesto, na ktorom reklamy nepôsobia dojmom reklám

Týždenní používatelia Pinterestu v porovnaní s používateľmi iných platforiem častejšie uvádzajú, že reklamy na Pintereste považujú za relevantné.2 Keďže používatelia Pinterestu prichádzajú s cieľom niečo urobiť, reklamy ich pozornosť neodvádzajú, ale naopak, zlepšujú ich dojem zo služby.

Fotografia mladého muža so slúchadlami s reklamou na bezdrôtové slúchadlá na jednej strane a tlačidlom „Pridať do košíka“ na druhej strane

Efektívne riešenia pre každý cieľ

Značkám sa veľmi dobre darí vďaka reklamám na Pintereste

Značky ako Nestlé, Urban Outfitters a CeraVe už využívajú Pinterest na dosiahnutie svojich cieľov. Preskúmajte našu sekciu venovanú príbehom úspešných, aby ste sa dozvedeli, ako značky dosiahli výsledky pre rôzne ciele.

Logos of Louis Vuitton, The Home Depot, McDonald's, MAC, Bacardi, Uber, KitKat, PayPal, Lego, American Express, IKEA, Hyatt, HP, Maybelline, Mercedes-Benz, and Ray-Ban.Logos of Louis Vuitton, The Home Depot, McDonald's, MAC, Bacardi, Uber, KitKat, PayPal, Lego, American Express, IKEA, Hyatt, HP, Maybelline, Mercedes-Benz, and Ray-Ban.Logos of Louis Vuitton, The Home Depot, McDonald's, MAC, Bacardi, Uber, KitKat, PayPal, Lego, American Express, IKEA, Hyatt, HP, Maybelline, Mercedes-Benz, and Ray-Ban.Logos of Louis Vuitton, The Home Depot, McDonald's, MAC, Bacardi, Uber, KitKat, PayPal, Lego, American Express, IKEA, Hyatt, HP, Maybelline, Mercedes-Benz, and Ray-Ban.Logos of Louis Vuitton, The Home Depot, McDonald's, MAC, Bacardi, Uber, KitKat, PayPal, Lego, American Express, IKEA, Hyatt, HP, Maybelline, Mercedes-Benz, and Ray-Ban.Logos of Louis Vuitton, The Home Depot, McDonald's, MAC, Bacardi, Uber, KitKat, PayPal, Lego, American Express, IKEA, Hyatt, HP, Maybelline, Mercedes-Benz, and Ray-Ban.Logos of Louis Vuitton, The Home Depot, McDonald's, MAC, Bacardi, Uber, KitKat, PayPal, Lego, American Express, IKEA, Hyatt, HP, Maybelline, Mercedes-Benz, and Ray-Ban.Logos of Louis Vuitton, The Home Depot, McDonald's, MAC, Bacardi, Uber, KitKat, PayPal, Lego, American Express, IKEA, Hyatt, HP, Maybelline, Mercedes-Benz, and Ray-Ban.Logos of Louis Vuitton, The Home Depot, McDonald's, MAC, Bacardi, Uber, KitKat, PayPal, Lego, American Express, IKEA, Hyatt, HP, Maybelline, Mercedes-Benz, and Ray-Ban.Logos of Louis Vuitton, The Home Depot, McDonald's, MAC, Bacardi, Uber, KitKat, PayPal, Lego, American Express, IKEA, Hyatt, HP, Maybelline, Mercedes-Benz, and Ray-Ban.Logos of Louis Vuitton, The Home Depot, McDonald's, MAC, Bacardi, Uber, KitKat, PayPal, Lego, American Express, IKEA, Hyatt, HP, Maybelline, Mercedes-Benz, and Ray-Ban.Logos of Louis Vuitton, The Home Depot, McDonald's, MAC, Bacardi, Uber, KitKat, PayPal, Lego, American Express, IKEA, Hyatt, HP, Maybelline, Mercedes-Benz, and Ray-Ban.Logos of Louis Vuitton, The Home Depot, McDonald's, MAC, Bacardi, Uber, KitKat, PayPal, Lego, American Express, IKEA, Hyatt, HP, Maybelline, Mercedes-Benz, and Ray-Ban.Logos of Louis Vuitton, The Home Depot, McDonald's, MAC, Bacardi, Uber, KitKat, PayPal, Lego, American Express, IKEA, Hyatt, HP, Maybelline, Mercedes-Benz, and Ray-Ban.Logos of Louis Vuitton, The Home Depot, McDonald's, MAC, Bacardi, Uber, KitKat, PayPal, Lego, American Express, IKEA, Hyatt, HP, Maybelline, Mercedes-Benz, and Ray-Ban.Logos of Louis Vuitton, The Home Depot, McDonald's, MAC, Bacardi, Uber, KitKat, PayPal, Lego, American Express, IKEA, Hyatt, HP, Maybelline, Mercedes-Benz, and Ray-Ban.Logos of Louis Vuitton, The Home Depot, McDonald's, MAC, Bacardi, Uber, KitKat, PayPal, Lego, American Express, IKEA, Hyatt, HP, Maybelline, Mercedes-Benz, and Ray-Ban.Logos of Louis Vuitton, The Home Depot, McDonald's, MAC, Bacardi, Uber, KitKat, PayPal, Lego, American Express, IKEA, Hyatt, HP, Maybelline, Mercedes-Benz, and Ray-Ban.Logos of Louis Vuitton, The Home Depot, McDonald's, MAC, Bacardi, Uber, KitKat, PayPal, Lego, American Express, IKEA, Hyatt, HP, Maybelline, Mercedes-Benz, and Ray-Ban.Logos of Louis Vuitton, The Home Depot, McDonald's, MAC, Bacardi, Uber, KitKat, PayPal, Lego, American Express, IKEA, Hyatt, HP, Maybelline, Mercedes-Benz, and Ray-Ban.Logos of Louis Vuitton, The Home Depot, McDonald's, MAC, Bacardi, Uber, KitKat, PayPal, Lego, American Express, IKEA, Hyatt, HP, Maybelline, Mercedes-Benz, and Ray-Ban.Logos of Louis Vuitton, The Home Depot, McDonald's, MAC, Bacardi, Uber, KitKat, PayPal, Lego, American Express, IKEA, Hyatt, HP, Maybelline, Mercedes-Benz, and Ray-Ban.Logos of Louis Vuitton, The Home Depot, McDonald's, MAC, Bacardi, Uber, KitKat, PayPal, Lego, American Express, IKEA, Hyatt, HP, Maybelline, Mercedes-Benz, and Ray-Ban.Logos of Louis Vuitton, The Home Depot, McDonald's, MAC, Bacardi, Uber, KitKat, PayPal, Lego, American Express, IKEA, Hyatt, HP, Maybelline, Mercedes-Benz, and Ray-Ban.Logos of Louis Vuitton, The Home Depot, McDonald's, MAC, Bacardi, Uber, KitKat, PayPal, Lego, American Express, IKEA, Hyatt, HP, Maybelline, Mercedes-Benz, and Ray-Ban.Logos of Louis Vuitton, The Home Depot, McDonald's, MAC, Bacardi, Uber, KitKat, PayPal, Lego, American Express, IKEA, Hyatt, HP, Maybelline, Mercedes-Benz, and Ray-Ban.Logos of Louis Vuitton, The Home Depot, McDonald's, MAC, Bacardi, Uber, KitKat, PayPal, Lego, American Express, IKEA, Hyatt, HP, Maybelline, Mercedes-Benz, and Ray-Ban.Logos of Louis Vuitton, The Home Depot, McDonald's, MAC, Bacardi, Uber, KitKat, PayPal, Lego, American Express, IKEA, Hyatt, HP, Maybelline, Mercedes-Benz, and Ray-Ban.Logos of Louis Vuitton, The Home Depot, McDonald's, MAC, Bacardi, Uber, KitKat, PayPal, Lego, American Express, IKEA, Hyatt, HP, Maybelline, Mercedes-Benz, and Ray-Ban.Logos of Louis Vuitton, The Home Depot, McDonald's, MAC, Bacardi, Uber, KitKat, PayPal, Lego, American Express, IKEA, Hyatt, HP, Maybelline, Mercedes-Benz, and Ray-Ban.Logos of Louis Vuitton, The Home Depot, McDonald's, MAC, Bacardi, Uber, KitKat, PayPal, Lego, American Express, IKEA, Hyatt, HP, Maybelline, Mercedes-Benz, and Ray-Ban.Logos of Louis Vuitton, The Home Depot, McDonald's, MAC, Bacardi, Uber, KitKat, PayPal, Lego, American Express, IKEA, Hyatt, HP, Maybelline, Mercedes-Benz, and Ray-Ban.Logos of Louis Vuitton, The Home Depot, McDonald's, MAC, Bacardi, Uber, KitKat, PayPal, Lego, American Express, IKEA, Hyatt, HP, Maybelline, Mercedes-Benz, and Ray-Ban.Logos of Louis Vuitton, The Home Depot, McDonald's, MAC, Bacardi, Uber, KitKat, PayPal, Lego, American Express, IKEA, Hyatt, HP, Maybelline, Mercedes-Benz, and Ray-Ban.Logos of Louis Vuitton, The Home Depot, McDonald's, MAC, Bacardi, Uber, KitKat, PayPal, Lego, American Express, IKEA, Hyatt, HP, Maybelline, Mercedes-Benz, and Ray-Ban.Logos of Louis Vuitton, The Home Depot, McDonald's, MAC, Bacardi, Uber, KitKat, PayPal, Lego, American Express, IKEA, Hyatt, HP, Maybelline, Mercedes-Benz, and Ray-Ban.Logos of Louis Vuitton, The Home Depot, McDonald's, MAC, Bacardi, Uber, KitKat, PayPal, Lego, American Express, IKEA, Hyatt, HP, Maybelline, Mercedes-Benz, and Ray-Ban.Logos of Louis Vuitton, The Home Depot, McDonald's, MAC, Bacardi, Uber, KitKat, PayPal, Lego, American Express, IKEA, Hyatt, HP, Maybelline, Mercedes-Benz, and Ray-Ban.Logos of Louis Vuitton, The Home Depot, McDonald's, MAC, Bacardi, Uber, KitKat, PayPal, Lego, American Express, IKEA, Hyatt, HP, Maybelline, Mercedes-Benz, and Ray-Ban.Logos of Louis Vuitton, The Home Depot, McDonald's, MAC, Bacardi, Uber, KitKat, PayPal, Lego, American Express, IKEA, Hyatt, HP, Maybelline, Mercedes-Benz, and Ray-Ban.Logos of Louis Vuitton, The Home Depot, McDonald's, MAC, Bacardi, Uber, KitKat, PayPal, Lego, American Express, IKEA, Hyatt, HP, Maybelline, Mercedes-Benz, and Ray-Ban.Logos of Louis Vuitton, The Home Depot, McDonald's, MAC, Bacardi, Uber, KitKat, PayPal, Lego, American Express, IKEA, Hyatt, HP, Maybelline, Mercedes-Benz, and Ray-Ban.Logos of Louis Vuitton, The Home Depot, McDonald's, MAC, Bacardi, Uber, KitKat, PayPal, Lego, American Express, IKEA, Hyatt, HP, Maybelline, Mercedes-Benz, and Ray-Ban.Logos of Louis Vuitton, The Home Depot, McDonald's, MAC, Bacardi, Uber, KitKat, PayPal, Lego, American Express, IKEA, Hyatt, HP, Maybelline, Mercedes-Benz, and Ray-Ban.Logos of Louis Vuitton, The Home Depot, McDonald's, MAC, Bacardi, Uber, KitKat, PayPal, Lego, American Express, IKEA, Hyatt, HP, Maybelline, Mercedes-Benz, and Ray-Ban.Logos of Louis Vuitton, The Home Depot, McDonald's, MAC, Bacardi, Uber, KitKat, PayPal, Lego, American Express, IKEA, Hyatt, HP, Maybelline, Mercedes-Benz, and Ray-Ban.Logos of Louis Vuitton, The Home Depot, McDonald's, MAC, Bacardi, Uber, KitKat, PayPal, Lego, American Express, IKEA, Hyatt, HP, Maybelline, Mercedes-Benz, and Ray-Ban.Logos of Louis Vuitton, The Home Depot, McDonald's, MAC, Bacardi, Uber, KitKat, PayPal, Lego, American Express, IKEA, Hyatt, HP, Maybelline, Mercedes-Benz, and Ray-Ban.Logos of Louis Vuitton, The Home Depot, McDonald's, MAC, Bacardi, Uber, KitKat, PayPal, Lego, American Express, IKEA, Hyatt, HP, Maybelline, Mercedes-Benz, and Ray-Ban.Logos of Louis Vuitton, The Home Depot, McDonald's, MAC, Bacardi, Uber, KitKat, PayPal, Lego, American Express, IKEA, Hyatt, HP, Maybelline, Mercedes-Benz, and Ray-Ban.Logos of Louis Vuitton, The Home Depot, McDonald's, MAC, Bacardi, Uber, KitKat, PayPal, Lego, American Express, IKEA, Hyatt, HP, Maybelline, Mercedes-Benz, and Ray-Ban.Logos of Louis Vuitton, The Home Depot, McDonald's, MAC, Bacardi, Uber, KitKat, PayPal, Lego, American Express, IKEA, Hyatt, HP, Maybelline, Mercedes-Benz, and Ray-Ban.Logos of Louis Vuitton, The Home Depot, McDonald's, MAC, Bacardi, Uber, KitKat, PayPal, Lego, American Express, IKEA, Hyatt, HP, Maybelline, Mercedes-Benz, and Ray-Ban.Logos of Louis Vuitton, The Home Depot, McDonald's, MAC, Bacardi, Uber, KitKat, PayPal, Lego, American Express, IKEA, Hyatt, HP, Maybelline, Mercedes-Benz, and Ray-Ban.Logos of Louis Vuitton, The Home Depot, McDonald's, MAC, Bacardi, Uber, KitKat, PayPal, Lego, American Express, IKEA, Hyatt, HP, Maybelline, Mercedes-Benz, and Ray-Ban.Logos of Louis Vuitton, The Home Depot, McDonald's, MAC, Bacardi, Uber, KitKat, PayPal, Lego, American Express, IKEA, Hyatt, HP, Maybelline, Mercedes-Benz, and Ray-Ban.Logos of Louis Vuitton, The Home Depot, McDonald's, MAC, Bacardi, Uber, KitKat, PayPal, Lego, American Express, IKEA, Hyatt, HP, Maybelline, Mercedes-Benz, and Ray-Ban.Logos of Louis Vuitton, The Home Depot, McDonald's, MAC, Bacardi, Uber, KitKat, PayPal, Lego, American Express, IKEA, Hyatt, HP, Maybelline, Mercedes-Benz, and Ray-Ban.Logos of Louis Vuitton, The Home Depot, McDonald's, MAC, Bacardi, Uber, KitKat, PayPal, Lego, American Express, IKEA, Hyatt, HP, Maybelline, Mercedes-Benz, and Ray-Ban.Logos of Louis Vuitton, The Home Depot, McDonald's, MAC, Bacardi, Uber, KitKat, PayPal, Lego, American Express, IKEA, Hyatt, HP, Maybelline, Mercedes-Benz, and Ray-Ban.Logos of Louis Vuitton, The Home Depot, McDonald's, MAC, Bacardi, Uber, KitKat, PayPal, Lego, American Express, IKEA, Hyatt, HP, Maybelline, Mercedes-Benz, and Ray-Ban.Logos of Louis Vuitton, The Home Depot, McDonald's, MAC, Bacardi, Uber, KitKat, PayPal, Lego, American Express, IKEA, Hyatt, HP, Maybelline, Mercedes-Benz, and Ray-Ban.Logos of Louis Vuitton, The Home Depot, McDonald's, MAC, Bacardi, Uber, KitKat, PayPal, Lego, American Express, IKEA, Hyatt, HP, Maybelline, Mercedes-Benz, and Ray-Ban.Logos of Louis Vuitton, The Home Depot, McDonald's, MAC, Bacardi, Uber, KitKat, PayPal, Lego, American Express, IKEA, Hyatt, HP, Maybelline, Mercedes-Benz, and Ray-Ban.Logos of Louis Vuitton, The Home Depot, McDonald's, MAC, Bacardi, Uber, KitKat, PayPal, Lego, American Express, IKEA, Hyatt, HP, Maybelline, Mercedes-Benz, and Ray-Ban.Logos of Louis Vuitton, The Home Depot, McDonald's, MAC, Bacardi, Uber, KitKat, PayPal, Lego, American Express, IKEA, Hyatt, HP, Maybelline, Mercedes-Benz, and Ray-Ban.Logos of Louis Vuitton, The Home Depot, McDonald's, MAC, Bacardi, Uber, KitKat, PayPal, Lego, American Express, IKEA, Hyatt, HP, Maybelline, Mercedes-Benz, and Ray-Ban.Logos of Louis Vuitton, The Home Depot, McDonald's, MAC, Bacardi, Uber, KitKat, PayPal, Lego, American Express, IKEA, Hyatt, HP, Maybelline, Mercedes-Benz, and Ray-Ban.Logos of Louis Vuitton, The Home Depot, McDonald's, MAC, Bacardi, Uber, KitKat, PayPal, Lego, American Express, IKEA, Hyatt, HP, Maybelline, Mercedes-Benz, and Ray-Ban.Logos of Louis Vuitton, The Home Depot, McDonald's, MAC, Bacardi, Uber, KitKat, PayPal, Lego, American Express, IKEA, Hyatt, HP, Maybelline, Mercedes-Benz, and Ray-Ban.Logos of Louis Vuitton, The Home Depot, McDonald's, MAC, Bacardi, Uber, KitKat, PayPal, Lego, American Express, IKEA, Hyatt, HP, Maybelline, Mercedes-Benz, and Ray-Ban.Logos of Louis Vuitton, The Home Depot, McDonald's, MAC, Bacardi, Uber, KitKat, PayPal, Lego, American Express, IKEA, Hyatt, HP, Maybelline, Mercedes-Benz, and Ray-Ban.Logos of Louis Vuitton, The Home Depot, McDonald's, MAC, Bacardi, Uber, KitKat, PayPal, Lego, American Express, IKEA, Hyatt, HP, Maybelline, Mercedes-Benz, and Ray-Ban.Logos of Louis Vuitton, The Home Depot, McDonald's, MAC, Bacardi, Uber, KitKat, PayPal, Lego, American Express, IKEA, Hyatt, HP, Maybelline, Mercedes-Benz, and Ray-Ban.Logos of Louis Vuitton, The Home Depot, McDonald's, MAC, Bacardi, Uber, KitKat, PayPal, Lego, American Express, IKEA, Hyatt, HP, Maybelline, Mercedes-Benz, and Ray-Ban.Logos of Louis Vuitton, The Home Depot, McDonald's, MAC, Bacardi, Uber, KitKat, PayPal, Lego, American Express, IKEA, Hyatt, HP, Maybelline, Mercedes-Benz, and Ray-Ban.Logos of Louis Vuitton, The Home Depot, McDonald's, MAC, Bacardi, Uber, KitKat, PayPal, Lego, American Express, IKEA, Hyatt, HP, Maybelline, Mercedes-Benz, and Ray-Ban.Logos of Louis Vuitton, The Home Depot, McDonald's, MAC, Bacardi, Uber, KitKat, PayPal, Lego, American Express, IKEA, Hyatt, HP, Maybelline, Mercedes-Benz, and Ray-Ban.Logos of Louis Vuitton, The Home Depot, McDonald's, MAC, Bacardi, Uber, KitKat, PayPal, Lego, American Express, IKEA, Hyatt, HP, Maybelline, Mercedes-Benz, and Ray-Ban.Logos of Louis Vuitton, The Home Depot, McDonald's, MAC, Bacardi, Uber, KitKat, PayPal, Lego, American Express, IKEA, Hyatt, HP, Maybelline, Mercedes-Benz, and Ray-Ban.Logos of Louis Vuitton, The Home Depot, McDonald's, MAC, Bacardi, Uber, KitKat, PayPal, Lego, American Express, IKEA, Hyatt, HP, Maybelline, Mercedes-Benz, and Ray-Ban.Logos of Louis Vuitton, The Home Depot, McDonald's, MAC, Bacardi, Uber, KitKat, PayPal, Lego, American Express, IKEA, Hyatt, HP, Maybelline, Mercedes-Benz, and Ray-Ban.Logos of Louis Vuitton, The Home Depot, McDonald's, MAC, Bacardi, Uber, KitKat, PayPal, Lego, American Express, IKEA, Hyatt, HP, Maybelline, Mercedes-Benz, and Ray-Ban.Logos of Louis Vuitton, The Home Depot, McDonald's, MAC, Bacardi, Uber, KitKat, PayPal, Lego, American Express, IKEA, Hyatt, HP, Maybelline, Mercedes-Benz, and Ray-Ban.Logos of Louis Vuitton, The Home Depot, McDonald's, MAC, Bacardi, Uber, KitKat, PayPal, Lego, American Express, IKEA, Hyatt, HP, Maybelline, Mercedes-Benz, and Ray-Ban.Logos of Louis Vuitton, The Home Depot, McDonald's, MAC, Bacardi, Uber, KitKat, PayPal, Lego, American Express, IKEA, Hyatt, HP, Maybelline, Mercedes-Benz, and Ray-Ban.Logos of Louis Vuitton, The Home Depot, McDonald's, MAC, Bacardi, Uber, KitKat, PayPal, Lego, American Express, IKEA, Hyatt, HP, Maybelline, Mercedes-Benz, and Ray-Ban.Logos of Louis Vuitton, The Home Depot, McDonald's, MAC, Bacardi, Uber, KitKat, PayPal, Lego, American Express, IKEA, Hyatt, HP, Maybelline, Mercedes-Benz, and Ray-Ban.Logos of Louis Vuitton, The Home Depot, McDonald's, MAC, Bacardi, Uber, KitKat, PayPal, Lego, American Express, IKEA, Hyatt, HP, Maybelline, Mercedes-Benz, and Ray-Ban.Logos of Louis Vuitton, The Home Depot, McDonald's, MAC, Bacardi, Uber, KitKat, PayPal, Lego, American Express, IKEA, Hyatt, HP, Maybelline, Mercedes-Benz, and Ray-Ban.Logos of Louis Vuitton, The Home Depot, McDonald's, MAC, Bacardi, Uber, KitKat, PayPal, Lego, American Express, IKEA, Hyatt, HP, Maybelline, Mercedes-Benz, and Ray-Ban.Logos of Louis Vuitton, The Home Depot, McDonald's, MAC, Bacardi, Uber, KitKat, PayPal, Lego, American Express, IKEA, Hyatt, HP, Maybelline, Mercedes-Benz, and Ray-Ban.Logos of Louis Vuitton, The Home Depot, McDonald's, MAC, Bacardi, Uber, KitKat, PayPal, Lego, American Express, IKEA, Hyatt, HP, Maybelline, Mercedes-Benz, and Ray-Ban.Logos of Louis Vuitton, The Home Depot, McDonald's, MAC, Bacardi, Uber, KitKat, PayPal, Lego, American Express, IKEA, Hyatt, HP, Maybelline, Mercedes-Benz, and Ray-Ban.Logos of Louis Vuitton, The Home Depot, McDonald's, MAC, Bacardi, Uber, KitKat, PayPal, Lego, American Express, IKEA, Hyatt, HP, Maybelline, Mercedes-Benz, and Ray-Ban.Logos of Louis Vuitton, The Home Depot, McDonald's, MAC, Bacardi, Uber, KitKat, PayPal, Lego, American Express, IKEA, Hyatt, HP, Maybelline, Mercedes-Benz, and Ray-Ban.Logos of Louis Vuitton, The Home Depot, McDonald's, MAC, Bacardi, Uber, KitKat, PayPal, Lego, American Express, IKEA, Hyatt, HP, Maybelline, Mercedes-Benz, and Ray-Ban.Logos of Louis Vuitton, The Home Depot, McDonald's, MAC, Bacardi, Uber, KitKat, PayPal, Lego, American Express, IKEA, Hyatt, HP, Maybelline, Mercedes-Benz, and Ray-Ban.Logos of Louis Vuitton, The Home Depot, McDonald's, MAC, Bacardi, Uber, KitKat, PayPal, Lego, American Express, IKEA, Hyatt, HP, Maybelline, Mercedes-Benz, and Ray-Ban.Logos of Louis Vuitton, The Home Depot, McDonald's, MAC, Bacardi, Uber, KitKat, PayPal, Lego, American Express, IKEA, Hyatt, HP, Maybelline, Mercedes-Benz, and Ray-Ban.

Všetko začína firemným účtom

Firemný účet odomkne kompletný súbor našich obchodných nástrojov, ako sú reklamy a analytické prehľady. Registrácia je bezplatná a začať je naozaj jednoduché.

Spoločnosť s názvom „Bluxome“ zobrazuje vedľa tlačidla „Propagovať“ ženu, ktorá nosí výrazné doplnky

Zdroje, ktoré vás povedú

Ikona lupy, v ktorej je graf
Požiadajte o bezplatnú konzultáciu k reklamám

Ak ste reklamy na Pintereste ešte nepoužívali, možno máte nárok na personalizovanú podporu. Pozrite si naše osvedčené tipy na rozvíjanie vášho podnikania podľa rád šitých na mieru.

Ikona kontrolného zoznamu s odrážkami
Preskúmajte našu bezplatnú vzdelávaciu platformu

Pinterest Academy (v angličtine) ponúka taktické, hĺbkové školenie pod vedením našich interných odborníkov. Môžete absolvovať kurzy, sledovať webináre alebo získavať odznaky, aby ste predviedli svoje zručnosti. Získajte z reklamy viac a dosiahnite väčší úspech. 

Časté otázky

Najprv si vytvorte bezplatný firemný účet. Potom si pozrite nášho sprievodcu prvými krokmi, ktorý obsahuje tipy na používanie nástrojov a funkcií pre firmy.

Ľudia používajú Pinterest na objavovanie nových značiek a nakupovanie ich produktov. S firemným účtom budete mať viac nástrojov, ktoré vám pomôžu osloviť takéto publikum a rozširovať svoje podnikanie. Získate napríklad prístup k reklamám, analytickým prehľadom a vlastným štatistikám týkajúcim sa publika. Firemné účty sú bezplatné, a ak sa rozhodnete využívať reklamy, môžete si nastaviť vlastný rozpočet.

Firemný účet vám poskytuje prístup k výkonným nástrojom, ako sú reklamy a analytické prehľady. Tieto funkcie nie sú k dispozícii v štandardnom účte na Pintereste, preto je vhodné uistiť sa, že na akékoľvek marketingové ciele používate firemný účet. Ak už máte osobný účet, môžete ho previesť na firemný účet vykonaním niekoľkých jednoduchých krokov. Alebo si môžete zaregistrovať nový účet, ak chcete mať osobný a pracovný účet oddelený jeden od druhého.

Ľudia prichádzajú na Pinterest s otvorenou mysľou. Tešia sa, že môžu nakupovať nové značky a produkty. S firemným účtom na Pintereste môžete v ktorejkoľvek fáze tejto cesty nájsť publikum, na ktorom vám záleží, a potom mu pomáhať pri nákupe. 

Funkcie nakupovania sú integrované v mnohých častiach našej platformy. To znamená, že vaše produkty budú presne zodpovedať skúsenostiam ľudí namiesto toho, aby sa im zdali byť mimo. Viac o nákupných reklamách a produktoch sa dozviete na našej špeciálnej stránke.

Začnite už dnes

  1. Global Web Index, hlavný prieskum, USA, 2021

  2. Talk Shoppe pre Pinterest, rozhodnutia pri maloobchodnom nakupovaní u týždenných používateľov Pinterestu a u osôb, ktoré Pinterest vôbec nepoužívajú, USA, august 2022. 69 % týždenných používateľov Pinterestu uvádza, že reklama na platforme sa im zdá relevantná, čo je o 30 % viac, než uvádzajú týždenní používatelia na konkurenčných platformách.