Fringe with benefits
A frilly collage of an Asian man and a Latiné woman wearing fringed clothing surrounded by deconstructed beaded sleeves and fringed brown boots.

Fringe will make a major comeback in 2023—and not in the ways you might expect. Gen X and Millennials will trade in their typical tassels for free-swinging fringed outfits, dresses and jackets. And for the unconventional bride: Fringe wedding dresses are trending up.

Trending on Pinterest¹
Fringe with benefits

Fringe dress outfit


Tassel jacket


Beaded fringe dress


Fringe wedding dress


Black fringe skirt outfit


Fringe dress outfit


Tassel jacket


Beaded fringe dress


Fringe wedding dress


Black fringe skirt outfit


Behind the trend

The last few years have felt pretty stagnant, and now it’s time to get moving again. The free-spirited fluidity of fringe helps people feel a sense of ease, levity and flirtatious fun. A natural extension of maximalism, this rising trend is a low-effort, high-impact fashion choice that’s anything but rigid.²

Set of images depicting fringe jackets in a variety of styles including on a woman in a black fringe jacket.

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