Louis Vuitton

Louis Vuitton achieves record results with Pinterest Premiere

Thanks to Pinterest Premiere and bold video ads, Louis Vuitton reached more than 3.5 million users on average in just 3 days1

Black and white photo of model styled with Louis Vuitton silver jacket, handbag, and loafers surrounded by hanging silver orbs

Louis Vuitton are always looking to think outside the box and push the boundaries. To promote their colourful new collection in collaboration with the Japanese artist Yayoi Kusama, they were never going to do things by halves.

The brand wanted their collection to stand out from the crowd and be seen by as many people as possible. To achieve this, they turned to Pinterest.

3.5 million

Pinterest users reached in three days1

50% view rate

+4% lift above vertical benchmark1

-50% CPM

CPM, compared to vertical benchmark1

Thinking outside the box

People on Pinterest love the bold. Louis Vuitton created a powerful video, specially designed to challenge the frame of the Pin. In this exclusive ad, an optical illusion made it seem as though touches of colour were escaping from the Pin and covering up the home feed.

The brand wanted the launch of this global campaign to make a big impression and reach a maximum number of users interested in luxury, fashion and beauty in the French, German, UK, Italian and Spanish markets. So they activated Pinterest Premiere, a new video advertising solution that enables large-scale awareness through exclusive video placements.

Working with the Pinterest team, we created powerful videos by playing with the format of the Pins to design an ambitious, no-holds-barred campaign that perfectly reflects the spirit of our collection. And the result lived up to our expectations.”

Pierre Castillon

Global Head of Digital Media, Louis Vuitton

With more than 3.5 million views in just three days, Louis Vuitton's campaign got off to a spectacular start1.

This trend was confirmed during the second wave of the campaign, with 6 million impressions recorded in the French market, at a CPM 50% more below the vertical benchmark1.

Tips for your next campaign

Try these Pinterest best practices to get more out of your ads:

  1. Get creative! Your creativity will drive your performance and help you reach your target. It's always a good idea to create creative assets specific to the Pinterest platform. Push the boundaries.

  2. Using a mix of Video and static ads allows you to engage your audience in different ways.

  3. Ensure optimal engagement by adapting the length of your videos to the platform. On Pinterest the recommended length is between 6 and 15 seconds.