The Point: New year, new goals… new things to buy. Our latest research shows that men have big plans for 2022. And they’re willing to spend to bring their ideas to life. Even if it means spending more than they did in 2021.

The optimism of the new year always has people making resolutions to be better. Do more. Stress less. Pick up that skill you’ve always wanted to learn.

And this year, that optimism is stronger than ever. In a recent New Year’s study, we saw high rates of hopefulness and goal-setting across the board. But when we cut the data by demographic, we noticed something especially interesting about men.

They’re not just setting big goals for 2022. They’re actively planning to invest the time—and money—to make those goals happen.

75% of men in our study are planning to spend more this year to bring their goals to fruition.1 They’re more excited about their plans for 2022, compared to 2021.1 They’re ready to go big. And with bigger plans, comes bigger spend.

White man with a prosthetic left leg on a white, yellow and red climbing structure.

So what kinds of goals do men have in mind? Our study showed a mix of big-picture intention setting (eat better, find work-life balance) and smaller shifts to have more fun (socialize more, spend more time with friends).

This could mean seeing more movies in theaters (55% of men), eating out more often (55%), hosting more parties at their house (50%) or finding more activities to do with their family (60%).1 They’re also looking forward to some bigger purchases, like buying a new car (30%).1

Big or small, economical or expensive, these are the things that will make 2022 feel like a comeback. And if you reach men now, during their planning phase, you’re more likely to make their wishlist.

Aerial view of food items on a colorful patterned table cloth: lemonade and orange juice in glass jars, white hands holding a veggie burger, spaghetti and meatballs, brown hands holding one of three fried fish tacos, a falafel bowl.

How they’ll pick
In our research with men, we’ve learned that they shop differently than other audiences. They’re highly brand conscious—and willing to spend more for brands they know or trust.

To get into their consideration set, make sure you’re sharing content that helps them make a quick, confident decision. Here are three things to keep in mind as you plan your marketing:

They convert quicker.
When men search for something, they do fewer searches in the category before making a purchase.2 For example, if men are looking for a jacket, they’ll do fewer fashion searches before making their pick.

They’re premium shoppers.
They’re willing to spend more on a brand they recognize, so it pays to reach them early and often.3 They also prefer to pay full price to get what they want faster, rather than waiting for a sale.3

Personalization is the top driver for success.
More than any other factor, finding the right item is the number one reason men say they had a successful shopping experience.4

South Asian man in a red head wrap smiles. He holds a brown shopping back and cell phone. Dark blue blazer draped over his arm. Muted storefront in the background. Tree shadows fall on the facade. Green plants in front.

Where they’ll plan
Since men are power shoppers, they value platforms that help them find the best thing for their tastes, fast. They want to cut through the clutter and make a confident decision, without sacrificing personal preferences. And Pinterest delivers: it helps bridge the need for speed with the want for personalization.

85% of men who use Pinterest say that the platform feels personalized to them.5 That leads to tailored product suggestions and rewarding shopping experiences. In fact, 80% of men on Pinterest agree that shopping here leads them to something unexpected that surprises and delights them.5 It’s not just a transaction: it’s buying something that they actually love.

Pinterest adds the value of fun and discovery to the shopping process.”

Survey respondent6

Act on the insights
Use these tips to reach men with relevant content all year long.

Surround important moments

Plan your strategy for reaching men around the important times in their lives, like seasonal holidays, cultural events and big life moments. Align your message to the moment for even greater impact.

Highlight new products

Show how your latest products can help men try new hobbies or have more fun in 2022. In the past year, men who use Pinterest purchased more new products than men who don’t use Pinterest.7

Incorporate emerging trends

Liven up your creative, messaging and targeting by incorporating timely insights and trends around lifestyle interests for men. For a head start on 2022 trends, check out this year’s Pinterest Predicts report: a sneak peek into what’s coming next.

Men8 are planning their 2022 purchases and projects on Pinterest right now—and they’re planning to do, buy and spend more than last year. Connect with them now, while 2022 is still full of possibilities.


Currently saving ideas to 2022 TO DO LIST

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